Today is my step-sons 14th Birthday!
We have sole- custody. She has an "alleged" drug problem. I say alleged so that I don't get into any trouble for slander or liable. I could pull court records and arrest records to prove such "allegedness", but I won't. At any rate, the last time she called to talk to her son was Christmas - OF LAST YEAR! She saw him on his birthday last year too. Bought him an iPod shuffle with like ALL her money and told him that was all she had too. Nice, make your kid feel like shit on his birthday cause you bought him a gift.
Hasn't called all year. We weren't sure if she was still in the area for a while. Until I saw her on the County Sherrif arrest site anyways. So we knew she was at least alive and where she was for a month or so. But still no letters, no phone calls, no nothing. Poor kid. But you know, I I know he's better off without her.
Her father, his grandfather, sees him on a semi-regular basis. But he has no idea where his mother is either. Well I mean he has a general idea and tries to "smooth over" (read bullshit us) what's going on with her. (I think he fails to realize that all that arrest stuff in a matter of public record and I can just go look it up at the courthouse.)
I mean she listed herself as an "unemployed escort" on her arrest record for christ's sake!
Ken's had Matty since he was 7 (maybe 8). She dropped him off one day (this is what I heard) and said that she had things to take care of. That was the BEST thing she ever did for her son. The only inkling of mothering she ever showed in my opinion. The only selfless thing she's probably ever done.
You would think that after this womans younger sister died (i think it was an overdose - the family says otherwise) while she was in Prison she would learn, but nope!
You would think that after my own issues with drug use, I might be a little more understanding - NOPE!
As soon as I learned I was pregnant - stopped! That is someone elses life. I can fuck mine up all i want - not some innocent little one's life! There's no excuse for what she does. Especially to Matt.
Shortly after their divorce was finalized, we needed to go back to court to ammend the visitation agreement. She received Supervised visitation, due to her "drug issues". (But it's just alleged remember). We got word thru her father that if she couldn't see her son where and when she wanted - then she didn't want to see him at all. Nice message to pass along to your child, huh?
At any rate, our lives are just fine without her. I'm truly sorry for Matt, that he can't enjoy a "normal" relationship with his mother. But I honestly think he's better off withouth her.
I love Matt. I hope he doesn't dwell too much that she didn't call. I hope he had a great day today.
Happy Birthday Son! I love you!
5 years ago