Friday, December 19, 2008

My First Time

So I decided this morning that i should blog. Not really sure how I came about that decision. I don't feel that my life is al that interesting, but every once in a while there's something that's just interesting enough. This post is very short, but I'm about to head off to work. I'll fill you all in with more when I'm home!


  1. WOO HOO! I'm your first comment, Ive never been anyones first...comment.

    Welcome to the Blogverse darlin, I look forward to your ramblings...uh I mean insights heh.

    Hey I made the first draft of your blog list too, thanks darlin.

  2. Hellooooooooooooooooooooo Nurse! I think it's great that you are blogging. I like to put down stuff that I know my family is tired of hearing about, but I still feel the need to say, or my latest kitchen accomplishments, or the kids being cute,..... you know, whatever.

    Also, ....I made the mushrooms for your log yesterday! Yummy!
