I see how others act with their kids. Well what they want me to see anyways, but I can't help to wonder if I'm alone in how I treat my kids. Like if I write this, is there some weirdo who will think im being cruel or something and try and turn me in??
I'm not a lovey dovey mommy. I'm just not. I have no patience for small children and this makes me feel like the worlds WORST mother. I don't want to play tea, or ponies or G I joes either. I don't bake, I don't clean real well, I'm not that organized, hell I'm still a big lazy kid myself - I'm in college for Chirst's sake!
See as I was growing up - my mother didn't do "Mommy" stuff either. She worked and was out of the house by 7am and home after 5;30pm. I was a latch key kid in Kindergarten. Yup that's right, at the age of 5 i was walking home by myself and then waiting for my mom to come home a little after 5:30. I was also an only child.
Oh sure my mom and I did stuff together like learn how to do the laundry, and the Girl Scouts she forced me to do. And the church she forced me to attend. We only attended church because her friends went there and she "taught" the kindergarten Sunday school class. We are NOT a religious family. I'm okay with that.
I yell. A lot. A whole lot. She was away for a week and I was glad! Now I feel wrong. Is it okay to be happy your kids are gone? Does anyone else get sick of their kids or am I the only one? Or am I the only one brave enough to admit they get sick of their kids? Don;t get me wrong - I love Brooklyn more than anything, but sometimes she drives me INSANE! It must be her age - 5 - i can get along fine with older kids and babies, but who doesn't love babies?
I don't think that it helps that where ever she goes - shes ALWAYS the center of attention. Because she thinks that this is the way things need to be at home. I can't even take a piss w/o her knocking on the door for something ridiculous. Which is probably precious to to others. But dammit I JUST WANT TO PEE! 2 minutes is all it will take - the precious "I love you" can wait 2 seconds. But then i get to thinking about the people who would give anything to have their kid be able to pester them while they pee and I feel guilty. Bad. Wrong. Ungrateful for what I have, but COME ON! IT'S JUST A PEE!
Constantly she's right behind me, like if I turn around too fast - I'll hurt her - honestly. I need some space - seriously. Everyone does. But I don't get it. It's maddening. Well for me anyways.
I love it when I have school and I have to go to work - because she can't go with me! It's like a vacation. I was not meant for little kids. I can only tolerate them in small doses. I give major credit to those with a lot of their own and those who work with them. I know I could NEVER EVER do it. I wish I could. I wish I was a better mom. But this is who I am. But does that make me a bad parent??
5 years ago
Nope. I love my kids too.... but you can bet your sweet ass we left Ms. M's 18 tear old at the hotel Saturday night and us adults went out to dinner and drinks! I did the good parent thing this weekend at Grinchmas..... it was Mommy/Daddy time!
ReplyDeleteI am not a parent (that I know of) and therefore have no input on this subject.
ReplyDeleteAnd thats all I have to say about that. :-)
If you are a bad parent then I am right there with you. Once they learn to talk I've pretty much had it with them.