I guess I should fill some things in. Like who we are, what we do, and all that crap. I'll start with myself. I'm 31 and a fulll time college stoodent. Yup - I is a kollege stoodent. I'm studying to get my Bachelor's Degree in Microbiology. I am halfway there. I'll get my Associates Degree this summer - FINALLY! I have a part-time job with Sweetbay Supermarkets. Which is a local grocery store here in Florida. I work in the Liquor Store. I LOVE my job! The customers are awesome! I got married on August 9, 2008 to the most wonderful man, Kenny. Kenny and I met on the internet, thru Match.com - it really does work for some.
Kenny is 32 and is also a college stoodent. He's going for his Associates Degree in Computer Networking and Securities. He'll graduate this coming May. (He's maintaining a 4.0GPA to boot!) I'm so proud of him. He'll be the first in his family to get a college degree. He's not working right now. Back in January 2006 he fell 3 stories off of a lanai (porch). He hurt himself pretty good and as a result was put on Worker's Compensation. It took over 2 years and 4 surgeries, but his doctor finally fixed him up pretty good. What he hurt most severly was his left wrist - it is now fused, partialy, to his arm. He spends pretty much most of his free time playing World of Warcraft - or watching the History Channel.
Matty will be 14 in just a few (10) days. He's in the 8th grade. He volunteers every other Saturday at an Animal Shelter. He likes to read, play Rockband for Wii, and hang out with his friends. He is my step-son. I could elaborate more on that, but out of respect for him I won't. (well not now anyways) There is however TONS of bloggy goodness around that subject - it may come out one day. (It most likely will when I start bitching about his non-existant mother, er, egg donor). <----see there I go.... And last, but not least Brooklyn Grace. She's 5 going on 25. Her birthday is 8 days past the cut off here in FL, so she will be in Kindergarten next year. When she's 6! She and her "Bubba" share one thing even though they are not biologically related. She has a donor too - a sperm donor. His rights were revoked by me. With VERY good reason. This August, a week after Ken & I were married - he adopted her. She doesn't know this. If she learns to read anytime soon - I guess she might figure it out. I haven't decided wether or not to tell her this information. The last time her donor saw her, she was 2 months old. Ken has been her daddy since she was 6 months old. She knows NO other. I'm afraid telling her would do more harm than good being as there's NO evidence as to another being her daddy - you know? She's REALLY into the Barbie movies. ALL of them! Over and over and over again. She likes to try and play Rockband for the Wii, but she's really good at Bowling on the Wii - she's reached Pro status! Oaky, okay - I'm really just bragging about my family here. I shall try and update daily on the happenings here at my house and at my job - sometimes those can be pretty interesting. And when school starts up again, I'm sure I'll be sharing my displeasure of homework, tests, and teachers with you all. (All 2 of you)! Oh and if there's something you'd like to know - wither because you're curious or because you didn't understand something, or whatever -ask me! If I think you're overstepping the noseyness quotient - I'll let ya know - don't you worry!
5 years ago
Well that's all very interesting but...WHAT ABOUT YOUR SEX LIFE?
ReplyDeleteUmm sorry, I'm single and not currently dating...OK OK I'm just a perv. :)
Trukindog: I haven't decided if I'm going to cross that bridge in my blog yet or not...but you'll see!