Hi my name is Nicole and it's been 7 days since my last post.
Seriously where does the time go?? Not a whole lot has happened to my clan throughout the week.
Ken and I went up to school to get our school books since classes start tomorrow. He's already done with the assignments for his programming class - thru MARCH! (NERD) I'm trying to be good and not fall behind, so I've started assignments in Both my English class and my Medical Terminology class. Those are my 2 online classes this semester. I have 2 other classes that I actually have to go to campus for and those are Spanish 2 and Art History 1 - ewwww.
So let's start by discussing my English class. I have to pass it to graduate. It's a "Gordon Rule" class (which means it goes towards the some 24,000 words I need to write to graduate). This is the 3rd attempt I've made at it. It's all about analyzing short stories and poetry and crap!
Now I didn't fail my first 2 times around. I actually withdrew myself. Once because there was this MAJOR group project assigned and my "teammates" were all like 18 (literally). they had all just graduated from the same school and were already all buddy buddy. Which is cool, except for the fact that they wanted to sped EVERY weekend together. None of them worked, they ALL lived at home with their parents, none of them had kids and well - I'm not into sleepovers and pot anymore. Although sometimes I wonder if i should reconsider that last one. And the second time I withdrew was this past summer. I has signed up to take the class online, in 6 weeks. I had also signed up for the Art History class. The English got dropped because well, we were in Disney World - who wants to do homework while they're on vacation?? I mean we walked around Epcot all day and then I was supposed to go back to our hotel room, read some crappy sonnet, and then make discussion board posts in response to it?? I don't think so! All I wanted to do was rest up so we could go back to the park at nite! the Art History class got dropped 1. becuase it too was a Gordon Rule class and 2. because of that it required me to write a 10 page paper. Now 10 pages, that's not bad. But I also had Art History 2 - with the same teacher, same Gordon Rule requirements, and in the same 6 week time frame. Yeah that would be 2 10 page papers in 6 weeks. I'm not the paper writing type. I don't know what i was thinking - I just REALLy wanted that Degree. Maybe if I had had some Meth for those weeks, MAYBE, I could have finished all that work - but not alone. I was so crazy for even trying. so where was I even going with this?? OH yeah, my current English class.
It's online and it's already starting to fill up my binder with papers! Not one's that I've written, but ones that the teacher is filling up with instructions and stuff. I only have ne assignment left for the orientation module - to write a response to someone else's discussion board post, but there arent any new ones. There are some 50 kids in this class - 3 of us have posted so far. I think, that if I blog more regularly, my blog posts should count towards the 24,000 words I need to write to graduate!
The first "Unit" we're doing is Peotry - UGH! The Haiku! WTF is a Haiku?!? I mean I know what it is - but WHY? What's the point?? I'm going to HATE this class, but I'm trying not to because if I let my hatred get un the way I'll never graduate.
The Medical Language Terminology class, HA! Easy Peasy Japaneesy! Like who doesn't know what AB/NORM/AL means?? That's right abnormal. It's a medical term meaning "pertaining to away from the norm". Or how about what an ANTI/TUSS/IVE is for?? All you moms out there know this one I'm sure! It's just a big fancy word for "an agent that works against coughing". Like cough suryp! How about GASTERO/ENTERO/LOGY? Yup, that's right! That's the "study of the stomach and intestines"! I'm sure it gets harder somewhere along the line, but right now this is GREAT! The fact that I worked in a hospital for a year and the Microbiology class I had last semester will probably help out a lot for this class!
So that's what I've been up to. Getting prepared for this semester to start, working, and just hanging out. I hadn't forgotten about this blog - I just couldn't find the time to write anything. Not that this is all that great, but it's something.
I'll try my best to keep up with regular posts for my 3 adoring fans!!
5 years ago
School begins anew,
ReplyDeleteThe days will pass before you,
Then your goal is nigh.