Friday, January 2, 2009

Me, Wasn't I cute??

I have no post worthy of the new year so I sill take this space and share with you some pictures:

If you go to my Flickr account( and look at those fotos - you will see that my daughter is unquestionably my "mini-me". That's awesome!!!


  1. Awwwww! You were such a cute kid! I think my parents lost all my kid photos in Hurricane Charlie. Oh well....

  2. Cute!

    I think our mothers went to the same hair-cutting school.;0)

  3. @ phinz: oh NO! I did those all myself! I was a a whiz with the scissors!

  4. That's a very devious look on your face in that bottom picture...what did you do? :)

  5. @ Trukindog: pfft..I have NO clue - I was probably ready for my dad to stop taking pictures.
